Wednesday, 13 March 2013

BBbarfly is FULLY STOCKED!!!

As a new company, it's definitely been a struggle to keep up with the demand of certain BBbarfly Handle Colours. Gauging our handle popularity and demand has been difficult at times. But this's no loner a problem. BBbarfly has fully stocked up on all of YOUR favourite colours, as well as introducing some new Handle Colours that we think you will be very happy with.

To start this post off right, we would like to introduce you to our new Handle Colours. They are Sky Blue, Electric Blue and Platinum (respectively). 

Sky Blue Closed
Sky Blue Opened
Electric Blue Closed
Electric Blue Open
Platinum Closed
Platinum Open
These colours are just a few of the fully stocked current BBbarfly inventory. We're also fully stocked with some of the usual suspect Handle Colours including Jet Black, Camo Green, Deep Purple, Flame Red, True Orange, Mellow Yellow (Not so Mellow lol) and Pearl White.

To Follow us on FacebookTwitter or YouTube, just click on the links.

Cheers and thank you for all of your support! 

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